From the most basic cuisine to the most elaborate recipes. Another reason to visit Herrera is its rich and varied gastronomy, which makes use of the abundant game and fish that nature provides in the area. Also, the produce of the fields.
Local farming provides high quality meats, quite distinct from the exploitative modern meat industry. All of this fits within a legacy of traditional recipes passed from one generation to another.
The confectionary tradition also provides deserts, cakes, and pastries made with natural products from the land such as honey, lard, or eggs from our hens.
Among the most typical dishes you will find the “ajoblanco” (a cold almond and garlic soup), “gazapacho” (a cold tomato soup), lamb stew, “migas” (pan-roasted bread crumbs), venison stew, tomato soup, and the famed “escarapuche”, a salad made with cold cuts, onion, tomato, olive oil, vinegar and salt.
Mushroom Days
Over the last few years Herrera del Duque has been hosting Mushroom Days as an activity in collaboration with the Castillo de Herrera Cultural Association. Its main coordinator is the biology and geology professor Miguel Cabezas Talavero at the Benazaire high school in Herrera.
These gastronomically themed days take place in November, when local mushrooms are at their prime.
The saffron milkcap, the parasol mushroom, the button mushroom, the boletus, and the blue mushroom are among the most common varieties.

Ajoblanco from La Siberia


Saffron milkcap from La Siberia